A fierce princess, a loyal knight, a banished prince & a ruthless pirate set out on a journey for their own purposes; to save her kingdom, to save the princess, to claim his throne & to break his curse. None of their intentions are pure, and figuring out the truth may doom them all.



Delia comes from a long line of renown treasure hunters. She was never interested in the life until the disappearance of her parents. On a search to find them, she uncovers the ruins her family has spent their whole lives trying to find. The only problem is now that she has been dragged into that world, a bounty is on her head for the secrets she has uncovered.



Kazana, a bounty hunter, didn’t realize the cost of her next mark until it was too late. Sorin, the crown prince and a secret assassin, must kill Kazana in order to get rid of the bounty placed on him. While being thrown into a quest with an unlikely group of bandits to save their world from destruction, the pair become stuck in a blood pact that requires them to kill each other to break it. 

The Attrition Trilogy


Three hundred years ago war scorched the world as we knew it. It was not a bloody war between brothers, but between humans and the earth herself. She fought back against the wicked people bulldozing her jungles, dumping oil into her oceans, and producing gas emissions that tainted her air. The earth had won the war. The ones who survived, The Founders, created a haven inland, free of all flora or fauna, called The Sanctuary. It was split into four Sectors: Alpha, Bravo, Delta, and Echo. The children are taken from their families at a young age and put into training classes, so their earliest memories are driven by being productive members of The Sanctuary. At the age of sixteen, they graduate, going through The Assessment, a simulation to determine which sector they belong in.

Sixteen-year-old Tabitha Nix was assigned to Sector Bravo. During her training to be a soldier in Bravo, the graduates are sent into The Attrition, a final test where she must kill to survive. Tabitha soon finds out the Founders are using The Attrition as a trial run to see of The Wilds, the world beyond The Sanctuary, are inhabitable, even if it means killing off innocent students to do so. The more Tabitha searches for the truth, the more dangerous her existence becomes. She is given a choice: comply or be exiled into the uninhabitable lands of The Wilds?

The Attrition Book one in The Attrition trilogy

The Attrition

Book one in The Attrition trilogy

Double-Edged SwordBook two in The Attrition trilogy

Double-Edged Sword

Book two in The Attrition trilogy

NixedBook three in The Attrition trilogy


Book three in The Attrition trilogy